Californians for Responsible Healthcare is a broad-based coalition of businesses, hospitals, healthcare providers, ancillary healthcare manufacturers, labor and other entities that are interested in the efficacious delivery of healthcare services to California's citizens and beneficiaries. CRH will maintain a particular focus on state implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the delivery of services through the Health Exchange as well as stand-alone legislation or court proceedings that all cumulatively shape state healthcare policy.
Mission Statement
The mission of Californians for Responsible Healthcare is to first recruit, educate and inform legislative leaders as to the benefits of a robust healthcare delivery system that allows patient access to a large panel of providers and specialists, and allows California patients the ability to access state-of-the-art technologies and drug therapies. With the rising cost of insurance and healthcare reform at the heart of the state's agenda, California state leaders will make decisions on how services will be provided that will have consequences for decades to come. California needs experienced, educated leaders that are willing to legislate on a healthcare model that works for all stakeholders and does not see short-term costs or savings as the only determinant for healthcare policy in California. CRH will educate leaders so they understand the concerns of citizens and businesses and are able to implement solutions with providers that will help keep California at the cutting edge of new healthcare and insurance solutions.
2013 Goals
The goal of CRH is to raise independent contributions in order to educate and inform legislators, administration officials, Health Exchange board members, and members of the media. With resources, CRH will be able to take action where litigation that could determine access is at issue.
The 2013 revenue goal for Californians for Responsible Healthcare is $2 million. The revenue stream will come from providers, including practitioner groups, hospitals, healthcare unions, ancillary healthcare manufacturers, biomedical organizations and patient advocacy organizations.
CRH supporters contact other decision makers and prospective donors in order to increase the awareness of CRH. CRH works in concert with our major donors, routinely contacting them to help shape and mold policy. CRH conducts regularly-scheduled meetings in order to update donors as well as to inform new prospective donors on CRH programs and progress.